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Interviewed with THE "IDEO" | 夢想的工作面試

作家相片: jicosocialdesignjicosocialdesign




故事是這樣的: 幾個小時前,我完成了 IDEO 設計研究 (Design Research) 實習的第二階段面試。面試時間要一小時45分鐘。基本上認真要我準備一個設計專案的使用者研究計畫(而且是在非洲的!)所以我前幾天很認真的在那邊 google 非洲,頓時也多認識了好多個非洲國家,真是意外的收穫!XD 不知不覺竟然花了我快十小時的準備時間,從上個週末到今天早上,斷斷續續... 然後回想起三週前的第一次面試,也是在手上專案最瘋狂的一週發生,已經忘記自己怎麼活過來的了!

前前後後的兩次面試中,我大概在線上見到了 7 位 IDEO 的員工,有 design researcher 也有 design lead。也從後面開放QA時間中,更了解 IDEO 工作模式,例如平均的專案時程,以及每個專案都需要配一個 design researcher 的安排。再更令我驚訝的就是:其中一位面試我的 design researcher 是人類學博士!!!從這邊,就已經可以看出現在的設計顧問業對於「研究」的重視。還有社會科學專業在設計實務領域能有的大力發揮啦!

總之,光是面試我就做足了好多筆記,已經是個很多收穫的經驗了,十分感恩。也透過這次整理,回顧自己做過的種種事情,很感恩 SC 和 DFC 教會我的事,當然還有搜秀底賽這一年。今天竟然意外連在 lululemon 練習的冥想引導都派上用場了~意外覺得感人。

不是說我不重視結果,但我覺得也真的應該要硬起頭皮、厚著臉皮來為過程的努力鼓鼓掌。(自己說XD) 我以前會覺得,如果很努力結果還失利,那真的是徹頭徹尾的失敗+丟臉。但現在想想,努力歸努力,結果歸結果,他們各有各的故事。😉 我今天講的是過程的故事。

In order to really acknowledge the process instead of the result, I am challenging myself to write this reflection right now when everything is still uncertain. Also, trying to pour out and set aside all the anticipations and potential anxieties that may come up throughout the waiting period. So that, hopefully, I can (and I honestly should) fully focus on preparing for the Social Design Exchange!!! (OMG, that's only 3 days away…)

So here’s the story: A few hours ago, I just finished the second-round interview with IDEO Cambridge Studio for the Design Research Intern position. Which required me 1 hour 45 mins to complete, and I actually spent almost 10 hours preparing for it in the past week. The first interview happened 3 weeks ago when things were even more hectic in school. That was a 45-min self-intro + portfolio review conversation. I forgot how much time I spent on the preparation, but that week was definitely one of the craziest weeks in this year.

I’m excited to have and very much appreciate the interview opportunity itself.

I used to think: if you put so much effort on something and you fail, that means you’re such a big loser. But now I realize how that kind of mindset could prevent people from learning and embracing the failures, and we might even start being ingenuine to the process because of that fear.

Not that I don’t care about the result, it’s just I need to be mindful that the process deserves its own story as well. So, don’t ask me about the result yet, at least not in the next two weeks!! lol




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